Fill in the form below to register for Diabetes Educators Course.

Fields marked (*) are mandatory.

Personal Information

First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Date Of Birth *
Date Of Registration *
Email ID (Username) *

Contact Information

Present Address *
Country *
State *
City *
Mobile *
Permanent Address * If Same as Present
Country *
State *
City *
Phone *

Educational & Professional Information

Education - Degree *
If Others, please specify
University *
Upload CV *
DOC, DOCX, PDF files allowed
Upload Certificate 1

PDF, JPEG files allowed
Upload Certificate 2

PDF, JPEG files allowed
Experience Certificate

PDF, JPEG files allowed

Mentor Selection (Select a mentor under whom you will working for 3 months)

Preference One *
    Select Mentor
Preference Two (Optional)
Note: Mentor will be assigned based on their availability. In case of unavailability another mentor will be assigned.

Life Goals

Kindly provide us your future goals; how will this course help you achieve this goal.*
Enter Verification Code*
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Diabetes Educators Course

Course Duration  :  6 months

Course Fees          :  Rs. 10,000

I agree to abide by the terms and conditions laid by HDDT. *

Financial Supporters

  • U S Vitamins Limited

  • Novo Nordisk Pvt. Ltd.

  • Roche Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd.